Here’s how Signal Hill explains the rationale behind The
Value Project: “We are living in a value crisis. Our culture treats human
beings like commodities and values possessions and status over relationships.
We are constantly being fed the message that we are not beautiful enough,
not smart enough, and not strong enough.
“Young people see the fallout from this value crisis every
day at school and in their own personal lives. Because they experience these
problems on an everyday basis, we believe that these young people are in the
best position to find a solution and communicate the message of Value Every
Person to their peers. That's why we train young people to speak to their own
generation about the value of human life.”
Signal Hill explains further: “Led by a team of experts from
the fields of communication, media, and marketing, the students are educated
about the inherent value of every human being; equipped with the skills to
craft a customized media campaign, and given the support to implement it within
their schools - spreading Signal Hill's message of ‘Value Every Person’ to
everyone they encounter.”
Five students – Samantha, Christina, Steve, Rachel and
Beatrice – from Holy Cross Regional Secondary in Surrey completed such a three-day
symposium a few months ago; they presented their project to the school this
week, culminating with this morning’s multi-media event.
In a series of informative, insightful and moving speeches
and presentations, the five challenged their fellow students to look beyond
surface appearances – to shatter the mirror – in order to find each person’s
intrinsic worth. “Remember, you’re more than your reflection,” one said.
The powerful counter-approach is this: we are all deserving
of love and respect by the simple fact of our existence. “We all bleed red,” one
student leader said. We must get past labels that lead to insecurity, and judgemental,
hurtful actions. “The way we see people affects the way we treat people.” Find
the diamond at everyone’s core and treat them as the precious, unique,
intrinsically beautiful people they are.
I want to thank the Holy Cross community for allowing fellow Signal Hill board member Pat Myers and me to sit among upwards of 800 students this morning
to witness this remarkable and inspiring event. So much good will emanate from this project, I'm sure!
For those wanting to learn more about Signal Hill, please
I wish all schools would bring this project in. Such a great concept.